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The best way to support First Draft and get cool stuff in exchange is by supporting the podcast on Patreon. In exchange for your $5 or $10-a-month pledge, you’ll get:
Access to an exclusive community forum full of other First Draft listeners
Monthly video chats with me, Sarah Enni
A shoutout at the top of a First Draft episode, and eternal glory on the Supporter page of the website
15% off all First Draft merchandise, and more!
And more! Join today to become a part of the First Draft community and support this independent podcast.
donate directly to first draft via venmo or paypal
Use Venmo or PayPal to send a one-time or recurring donation. A cash donation goes directly to pay for: a producer to edit every episode; a social media director to help spread the word about the podcast; monthly website and hosting fees; and many more regular costs associated with preparing and publishing a weekly show.
buy first draft merch
Every sale of a T-shirt, sweatshirt, sticker, tote bag, mug, etc. goes directly to paying for the regular costs of preparing and publishing a weekly show. And it gives you sweet, sweet swag that spreads the word!
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When you subscribe to the show, it downloads every new episode automatically. That helps give First Draft consistent download numbers that I can use to impress potential sponsors.
Ratings and reviews boost First Draft in Apple Podcasts’ recommendation algorithm, putting the show in front of more future listeners.
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Becoming a newsletter subscriber means you’ll get monthly updates, which include: all the recent episodes, new information about the podcast and host Sarah Enni, personalized podcast, book, TV and movie recommendations from Sarah, and more. Having a large newsletter subscriber base is another thing I can brag about to potential sponsors.